MAPP 17825. Exteris® Stressgard contains 12.5 g/L Fluopyram and 12.5g/L Trifloxystrobin.
Vehicle mounted hydraulic sprayer | Knapsack sprayer | |
Amount of Exteris® Stressgard™ | 10 L/ha | 100 mL/100m2 |
Amount of Water | 200 - 600 L/ha | 2 - 6 L/100m2 |
Exteris® Stressgard™ is approved for control of:
Usage Period | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
The use of Exteris Stressgard should conform to resistance management strategies, such as rotation with products containing active ingredients with different modes of
action, or limiting the total number of applications per season and using non-chemical methods of disease control.
Bayer recommends responsible product stewardship to ensure effective long term control of the fungal diseases on the label.