Safety Data Sheets

Click on the product links below to select and download Headland Health & Safety Data Sheets.
All files are Adobe Acrobat PDF files.

q 16-2-10
q Blaukorn 15-3-20+2MgO+TE
q Easygreen Mini 12-12-17
q Easygreen Mini 18-5-10
q Easygreen Mini 21-5-10
q Greentec 4-0-10+9Fe
q Greentec 4-0-14
q Greentec 6-5-18
q Greentec 13-3-13
q Greentec 14-2-6
q Greentec Mosskiller Pro 4-0-4+9Fe
q H-Cote Mini 10-5-14
q H-Cote Mini 10-10-10
q H-Cote Mini 15-5-12
q H-Cote Mini 22-3-8
q Multigreen 15-0-22
q Multigreen 20-0-32
q Multigreen 28-0-0
q Multigreen 28-3-15
q Multigreen Fine 12-2-32
q Multigreen Fine 19-0-30
q Multigreen Fine 25-3-9
q Multigreen Fine 25-5-14
q Multigreen Mini 12-0-43
q Multigreen Mini 24-0-24
q Multiverdo 13-0-46
q Novatec 15-3-20+2MgO+TE
q Optisol 28-7-14
q PPT114
q Protec 0-0-25
q Protec 6-0-12
q Protec 10-0-10
q Protec Plus 15-0-12
q Protec Plus 16-4-8
q Protec Plus 28-0-0
q Quickstart Maxi 22-5-5
q Quickstart Maxi Plus 22-5-5
q Solufeed Hi-K
q Solufeed Hi-N
q Solufeed Hi-P
q Solufeed NK
q Solufeed NPK
q Trisert KS (now Protect Plus 15-0-12)
q Vertex Hi-N
q Xtend 10-10-10
q Xtend 12-2-20 Fine
q Xtend 15-2-20
q Xtend 16-5-12
q Xtend 21-0-0
q Xtend 24-4-4
q Xtend 26-3-3 Fine
q Xtend 46-0-0 Granular
q Xtend Fine 46-0-0
q Xtend Liquid Hi-N 34-0-0
q Xtend Soluble 46-0-0

q Ascoflex® 15
q Ascoflex® Plus
q Seamac Ultra Plus
q Turfcomplex

Chelated Irons/Turf Hardeners
q Liquid Turf Hardener
q Mantle
q Seamac ProTurf Fe
q Turfite
q Turfite Elite
q Turfite SR3

Dew Control
q DewCure

Eco Ice Melt Products
q CMA Granular
q Eco Ice Melt
q Eco Ice Melt Liquid

q Banner Maxx
q Dedicate
q Exteris Stressgard
q Heritage
q Instrata Elite
q Surpass Pro
q Throttle

q Blaster Pro
q Cabadex
q Columbus
q Darby
q Depitox
q Enstar
q Glyfos® Dakar Pro
q Glyfos Liquid
q Glyfos Gold Liquid
q Green Force Professional
q Kernel
q New-Way Weed Spray
q Optica
q Quickfire
q Redeem
q Relay Turf
q Relay Turf Elite
q Staff
q Synero
q Trustee Amenity

Lake Dye
q Jet Black

Organic Soil Conditioners
q Aston Turf
q C-Complex 4-3-4
q C-Complex 5-2-10
q C-Complex 7-0-7
q C-Complex Sport 14-2-5
q Naturvigor

Soil Treatments
q CalciComplex
q Greens-Grade Gypsum
q Biofence Meal
q Biofence Pellets
q Biofence Premix
q Xpedite

Soluble Iron / Micronutrients
q Elevate Fe
q Headland Jett
q Headland Magnesium Super 80
q Headland Mantle
q Headland Soluble Iron
q Headland Sulphur
q PPT114
q Solufeed TeMag +HPE
q TeMag Elite

Spray Additives
q Erase
q FoamFree
q Guard Pro
q Intake
q Knockdown
q Runway
q Speed
q Super Signal Blue
q Super Signal Green
q Tangent SDR
q Terafirm
q Terafirm Granular
q Transport Ultra

Turf Growth Regulators
q Headland Clipless
q Kopis

Wetting Agents
q TriCure AD Granular
q TriCure AD Liquid
q TriCure AD Pellets
q XL Fairway
q Yuccah

Contact Us

Please contact us for further information about Headland Amenity or our products.

+44 (0) 1204 677700

Headland Product Catalogue 2023

Download the Headland Product Catalogue 2023

Terafirm Wetting Agent

View details of Headland's Terafirm Wetting Agent